Saturday, September 2, 2017

Venezia: the floating city with the stripey-shirt population.

The best thing about photographing in Venezia, is it was impossible to take a bad or boring photo.  Every corner has a new surprise; each alley or canal is prettier than the next.

We did our thing and went walking around, getting lost down alleys and over bridges, away from the touristy parts.

 Every time I snapped a photo, I felt like I was either working for the Venezian Chamber of Commerce or making my own tourist guide.  The place is the most photogenic city I have ever been.

    Even when a building is old or damaged (see wall above), it still looks beautiful.    
     The crackling paint on the doors (below) could never be duplicated by new paints and techniques. There is just something about authenticity that you know when you are experiencing it.

Free Antonio Vivaldi museum; off the beaten path.

 16th century bricks eroded with time.

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